Have you been thinking about cooking something fresh, something new but lacking ideas or have some great ideas but looking forward to lend your imagination for someone to try it out for you ?
Do you represent a food company or interesting products/spices and looking for someone to put to a taste test, review or recipe development? Are you looking for a food stylist?
If yes, i would love to hear from you Check out some of my product review work here
I believe knowledge increases every time we share … we all go through the journey of making mistakes & learning, becoming better with every passing day !
Let me know what you have in mind and lets explore together.
Fill in the details below or let’s connect at hello@divinespicebox.com
I have a doubt regarding cup measurement. I have a cup of 200ml. Is dat OK? Or do I need to increase or decrease the quantity for any of ur recipe’s. I am really excited to try some of ur recipe’s. Please reply me asap.Thank you. !
As the measurement goes, 1 cup is essentially about 227 gms and since i use a cup measuring tool, i can roughly say 225-250 gms per cup would be desirable. In case u want to use 200 ml cup, then u can add 2 leveled tablespoons for 30 gms more.
Hope that helps